Sediment Filtration, Sand Filtration, and Contaminants for Wells & Household Connections
For the filtration of pesticides, medication residues, hormones, bacteria, viruses, and taste impairments such as Chlorine, the Quadro by Carbonit is the right water filtration system that meets the highest standards. The activated carbon filtration with the Quadro by Carbonit at the house connection is, to our knowledge, unique in this quality. If you have any questions about it, please contact us; we are happy to answer them. There are also options for the filtration of sandy wells. Take a look at the Hydrozyklon. This is a true problem solver if you constantly have clogged filters, and sand is the cause.
For sediment filtration at the household connection, the WatPass backwash filter is a cost-effective and high-quality solution. The DRUFI+ DFR is the best choice if you are looking for a German manufacturer and prefer DVGW quality. If you are seeking a top solution in combination with a water softening system, then, in our opinion, there is nothing better than combining the DRUFI+ DFR with a LEX Plus 10 S Connect water softening system from Hans Sasserath.