Replacement Water Filters for Undercounter Devices from German Manufacturers Carbonit & Prime Inventions
The replacement filter cartridges for undercounter devices from Carbonit and Prime Inventions produce pure, fresh, and delicious water. With the Carbonit & Prime Inventions filter cartridges, you can reliably filter pesticides, medication residues, hormones, heavy metals, bacteria, and microplastics from the water. Read about the tests on the outstanding properties of these filters in our blog. If you need assistance in choosing the right filter cartridge for your needs, we are happy to advise you. You can either call us or contact us.
Indhold: 1 Stück (7,49 €* / 0.125 Stück)
Indhold: 1 Stück (7,49 €* / 0.125 Stück)
Indhold: 1 Stück (4,50 €* / 0.125 Stück)