Questions and answers about: House and well water
When can a separate well be necessary?
With a well, you can cover your own water needs, if you are not connected to the supply network of a waterworks. This is the case if, for example, you do not want to be connected too far away from such infrastructures or for financial reasons.
In question are drilled, beaten or flushed wells. The depth of the well can be five meters or up to 70 meters and more. This naturally depends on the level of the groundwater, the soil or the water veins.
What is the cost of drilling your own well?
The drilling costs can be very different. In sandy areas, a hole can be had for 300-400 euros and cost in unfavorable locations several thousand euros.
How to judge the quality of well water?
Well water is often of better quality than the supplied water of the waterworks. In some cases, a wonderful, pure and tasty water is already coming to light that fully meets or even surpasses the groundwater regulation and the needs of the well operator. Far more common, however, are low-level loads that can be reduced or even completely eliminated by appropriate water filters.
However, if the quality is rather insufficient, it can still be processed into good drinking water with some effort. This is where various water filtration techniques come into play, which are necessary to produce first-class drinking water.
Basically: The well water must be examined before it can be used as drinking water. This already regulates the drinking water ordinance. Based on the test results, the appropriate filtration technique and necessary filter stages can be defined.
What are the most common problems with a private well?
Often, the water has too high an iron or manganese content, which leads to a sensory impairment of the water. In agricultural areas, moreover, nitrate is always a problem. In low-mineral water, the pH of the water is often too low and must be raised accordingly, so there is no corrosion on pipes and fittings and the water is safe for human consumption.
What obligations do I have as a well operator?
This is regulated by the EU Drinking Water Regulation, which was last amended in 2012 (Council Directive 98/83 / EC of 3 November 1998 concerning the quality of water intended for human consumption).
If you live outside the EU, please inquire with the competent authorities of your home country.