Der LiveSaver Cube im Praxistest

Datum: May 8, 2024 04:37

Wie schmutziges Wasser aus der Weser mithilfe des Lifesaver Cube, direkt Vorort zu sauberen Trinkwasser gefiltert wird, erfahren Sie in einem kurzen Video von @nurmalkurzraus. Nurmalkurzraus betreibt einen Instagram-Kanal mit dem er über sein Van-Tech Projekt und die damit verbundenen Abenteuer berichtet.

Ein wirklich lohnenswerter Instagram-Kanal mit interessanten Einblicken über den Umbau eines T5 California Bus. Schaut doch mal rein bei @nurmalkurzraus


Zugehörige Produkte

LifeSaver® Cube Water Filters - Travel, Outdoor, Camping, Boat, & Crisis Filters
Whether you're on an expedition or on a tour, even if you just want to take care of emergency situations at home or filter your tap water: With the LifeSaver® Cube you can always produce pure drinking water. The easy-to-transport 5-liter filtration system was developed in collaboration with the international NGO Oxfam to provide for both individuals and groups who have no access to clean tap water. But with the LifeSaver® Cube, you can also collect and store water from dodgy sources for filtering when needed. The LifeSaver® Cube sets itself apart from all other water filters on the market. Why? It is compact, affordable and reliably filters chlorine, particulate matter, cysts, bacteria and even viruses out of the water. Due to the exchangeable activated carbon block, it removes taste from the water. With the Lifesaver Cube you can safely drink water from almost any source of water after filtering. For this reason, the filter is also ideal for crisis operations or if your water supplier has problems with germs in the water. You can then simply save the decoction of the drinking water! The filter technology used has been used by aid organizations and the military for many years. So in our opinion, it just belongs in every household. Pump - Drink The operation of the filter is extremely simple, even if you want to filter larger quantities succeeds in no time. Advantages of the LifeSaver® Cube     BPA & BPS free     on NSF Protocol 231 standard tested by an independent laboratory     No batteries, chemicals, pump tips and other accessories needed     effective against cysts (99.99%), bacteria (99.9999%), viruses (99.9999%)     optimizes the taste because it filters chlorine, flavors and odors (activated carbon block)     The pump is also ideal for filling external bottles and containers     high throughput (up to 1.25 l / min)     Filtering up to 5000 l ** of water with a membrane filter (bacteria, viruses & cysts)     without volume measurement, waiting times or aftertaste such. B. in the use of chlorine or chlorine dioxide     works completely self-sufficient without electricity, chemicals or UV light     suitable for private households, families, individuals, mobile groups, aid organizations and communities     ideal for outdoor activities as well as disaster and emergency situations     great value for money Advantage of activated carbon block The activated charcoal block, serves mainly to improve the taste of the water and should be replaced approximately every 100l or 2 months. Of course you can also operate the filter without the activated carbon block. Efficiency filtration The tests were performed on the basis of the complete microbiological performance requirements of NSF / ANSI P231. It is good to know that Lifesaver has not only focused on the minimum of water filtration. The LifeSaver® Cube Water Purifier exceeds the EPA guidelines for microbiological water purifiers.     Retention bacteria ***> 99.9999% (Log 6)    Retention Viruses ***> 99.999% (Log 5)    Retention Cysts ***> 99.99% (Log 4) Failsafe ™ technology The LifeSaver® Cube has a mechanism that prevents you from getting inadequate filtered water from the filter. When the cartridge has reached the end of its life, the pores in the membranes are clogged with dirt and the filter will not let water through. The filter change announces itself by less and less water flows and the pumping becomes more and more laborious. As soon as no more water runs through the filter you have to change it. You can always be sure that your water filter is effectively filtering contaminants out of the water, and you know when to change or clean the cartridge. Important notes on use and storage Unused, the filter cartridges can be stored for at least 3 years without concern. Already used cartridges can be stored according to the manufacturer's instructions for up to 3 years. If you want to play it safe, however, we recommend that you do not store a used cartouche for more than a year. Please do not let the filter cartridge dry out after first use! Caution - a wet or damp filter should never freeze. Delivery includes: LifeSaver® Cube (for 5,000 liters of filtered water), 1 x carbon active filter, 1 x maintenance kit (1 filter protection cap and 5 spare O-rings) ** Flow rate and filter performance depend on the composition, temperature and turbidity of the water being fed*** Tested by BCS, released on 20.05.2017. Meets the full performance requirements of NSF / ANSI P231 protocol

119,90 €*