Das WatPass® Dosiermittel Korrosionsschutz NWE (20kg) ist für den Einsatz nach Enthärtungsanlagen abgestimmt und eignet sich für hervorragend den Einsatz mit unserer Dosierpumpe KA-PLUS 1503 (selbstentlüftend). Es ist natürlich auch kompatibel mit nahezu allen bekannten Dosiergeräten, auch der namhafter Hersteller wie HGrünbeck oder BWT, die für diesen Einsatzzweck im Gebrauch sind.
Die WatPass® Dosiermittellösung NWE ist mit den enthaltenen Ortho- und Polyphosphaten, in Trinkwasserqualität, zur Behandlung von enthärtetem Trink- und Brauchwasser perfekt geeignet. Die Lösung ist zur Resthärtestabilisierung und zum Korrosionsschutz für Wassereinstallationen aus Kupfer, verzinktem Stahl sowie Mischinstallationen einsetzbar. Sie ist insbesondere für den Einsatz nach Enthärtungsanlagen oder Weichwasseranlagen, mit stark erhöhtem Gehalt an freier aggressiver Kohlensäure, geeignet.
WatPass Dosiermittel Korrosionsschutz NWE vermindert die Korrosivität von Wasser. Es baut in der wasserführenden Installation aus verzinktem Stahl oder Kupfer eine Calcium-Eisen-Phosphat-Schutzschicht auf wodurch Korrosionsschäden vermindert werden. Die aus dem Verschnitt reduzierte Gesamthärte (meist 0-8°dH), durch den Einsatz einer Wasserenthärtungsanlage, wird stabilisiert.
Die Dosierung erfolgt mit DVGW/GS-geprüften Dosieranlagen aus den Originalgebinden (20l Kanister) und ist nach der Trinkwasserverordnung mit bis zu 5 g P2O5/m3 = 6,7g PO4/m3 = 2,2 g P/m3 Wasser zugelassen.
Dosiermenge: 100ml pro Kubikmeter (1000l) Wasser (nach Trinkwasserverordnung und DIN DVGW)
WatPass Dosiermittel Korrosionsschutz NWE enthält nur Inhaltsstoffe in Lebensmittelqualität, die in der UBA Liste zur Behandlung von Trinkwasser zugelassen sind. Die Reinheit entspricht den geltenden DIN/EN Normen (Produkte zur Aufbereitung von Wasser für den menschlichen Gebrauch). Das Dosiermittel muss lebensmittelgerecht behandelt werden. Daher musss es getrennt von ätzenden, übelriechenden oder giftigen Substanzen gelagert werden. Die optimale Lagertemperatur 10-30°C. Bei Unterkühlung kann es zur Auskristallisierung der Wirkstoffe kommen. Aufwärmen auf 20°C und Schütteln löst die Kristalle wieder auf. Die Wirksamkeit wird dadurch nicht beeinflusst.
WatPass Dosiermittel Korrosionsschutz NWE darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen.
With the mineral solutions DL 1 and DL 2, two different solutions from SYR are available.
The mineral solutions prevent corrosion and limescale formation, raise the pH value of the water or are used, for example, after a softening system or to stabilize the hardness of the water in copper or galvanized pipelines as well as in mixed installations. The dosing unit meets the requirements of DIN 19635.
Here we offer the DL 2 variant.
The mineral dosing solutions DL 1 and DL 2 are approved drinking water additives and meet the requirements of the Foodstuffs Act, the Additives Ordinance and the Drinking Water Ordinance. They contain phosphates and silicate combinations designed to protect drinking water systems. The special phosphates prevent corrosion and rust water formation and stabilize water hardness. Phosphate is an essential mineral for the human body and occurs naturally in many foods. The phosphate used in the solutions meets the strict requirements of DIN/EN and is highly pure. The daily requirement of an adult is 700 mg of phosphate. On average, we consume 1,092 g of phosphate per day with dairy products and approx. 1,068 g with meat and sausage. By comparison, if phosphate is added to drinking water by means of a dosing solution, only 4 mg is consumed daily.
Which dosing solution is the right one for me?
DL1 (hardness stabilization + corrosion protection ) is used for hardness levels > 14 °dH without a water softening system.
DL2 (corrosion protection) is used for hardness levels < 14 °dH with a water softener.
The dosing pump EMEC KA-PLUS 1503 is precise and easy to operate. Due to the integrated self-bleeding it is easy to handle!
The solenoid diaphragm metering pump is perfectly suited for the use of admixed, precise metering results. It is the right choice if you need reliable and precise dosing of liquids such as acids, alkalis, precipitants and flocculants in process flows. The dosing medium is conveyed by suction strokes followed by pressure strokes and thus precisely dosed.
The KA-Plus 1503 operates cost-effectively and reliably, and is extremely flexible in use. It is easy to operate and clearly laid out. This makes it very low-maintenance. The dosing pump is compact, thus very space-saving and easy to integrate in any installation environment. It can be mounted on the wall in three different positions (upright, left- or right-oriented) without any additional accessories.
Fields of application
Stabilization of water that is in carbonic acid imbalance. Water stabilization of industrial plants.
How does the dosing pump work?
The microprocessor-controlled electronics of the solenoid diaphragm metering pump ensure efficiency and flexible pressure adjustment. The double ball valves used ensure extreme accuracy even at the smallest flow rates. Due to its operating principle, the metering pump is particularly suitable for proportional control depending on pulses. Since it operates without start-up delay or run-out inertia, it responds to each control pulse with a precisely defined metering quantity. The modular division (control unit, drive & dosing head) allows a tailor-made solution depending on the application.
For easy understanding: if you set the pump to 100%, you have a dosing of 1 ml (dosing agent) per 1 liter of water flow.
Included in delivery is:
1x pump
1x foot valve with shut-off
1x dosing/inoculation valve
1x suction hose
1x pressure hose
Conformity: The dosing pumps of the "KA-PLUS" series comply with the following EU standards: EN60335-1: 1995, EN55014, EN50081-1/2, EN50082-1/2, EN6055-2, EN60555,3. 2005/42/CE Directive on the use of the CE mark. 2004/108/CE Directive on electromagnetic compatibility of equipment. 2006/95/CE Low Voltage Directive.
With the SYR dosing pump NeoDos 3100 Connect, mineral solutions are added to the drinking water. The mineral solutions prevent corrosion and limescale formation, raise the ph-value of the water or are used e.g. after a softening system or to stabilize the hardness of the water in copper or galvanized pipelines as well as in mixed installations. The dosing system meets the requirements of DIN 19635.
The NeoDos Connect dosing pump detects the flowing water volume by means of a water meter and thus determines the addition of minerals from the dosing tanks, which are pumped into the pipe via the dosing hose.
Optional dosing solutions (not included)
With the mineral solutions DL 1 and DL 2 different solutions from SYR are available.
The mineral dosing solutions DL 1 and DL 2 are approved drinking water additives and comply with the requirements of the Foodstuffs Act, the Additives Ordinance and the Drinking Water Ordinance. They contain phosphates and silicate combinations designed to protect drinking water systems. The special phosphates prevent corrosion and rust water formation and stabilize water hardness. Phosphate is an essential mineral for the human body and occurs naturally in many foods. The phosphate used in the solutions meets the strict requirements of DIN/EN and is highly pure. The daily requirement of an adult is 700 mg of phosphate. On average, people consume 1,092 g of phosphate per day with dairy products and approx. 1,068 g with meat and sausage. By comparison, if phosphate is added to drinking water by means of a dosing solution, only 4 mg is consumed daily.
Which dosing solution is the right one for me?
DL1 (hardness stabilization + corrosion protection) is used for hardness levels > 14 °dH without a water softener.
DL2 (corrosion protection) is used for hardness levels < 14 °dH with a softening system.
Important information for ordering
For use without a water softener (stand alone), the "Inoculation piece incl. connection set" must be ordered separately in the correct nominal size DN 20-DN 32:
DN 20: 3100.20.000
DN 25: 3100.25.000
DN 32: 3100.32.000
Alternatively, when operating with a water softener (LEX Plus 10 Connect series and Neosoft), the Lex Plus / Neosoft connection set (3100.00.011) must be ordered. More information can be found in the operating instructions, which can be found at the article under Downloads.
Connection set for dosing pump SYR NeoDos 3100 Connect from the German manufacturer SYR. The component is only needed if you want to use the dosing pump without the SYR water softeners.
With the SYR NeoDos 3200 Connect dosing pump, mineral solutions are added to the drinking water. The mineral solutions prevent corrosion and limescale formation, raise the ph-value of the water or are used e.g. after a softening system or to stabilize the hardness of the water in copper or galvanized pipelines as well as mixed installations. The dosing system meets the requirements of DIN 19635. The dosing pump NeoDos Connect detects the flowing water quantity by means of a water meter and thus determines the addition of minerals from the dosing tanks, which are pumped into the pipe via the dosing hose.
Optional dosing solutions can also be found in our store.
Important information for ordering
For use without a water softener (stand alone), the "injection piece incl. connection set" must be ordered in the correct nominal width.
DN 20
DN 25
DN 32
Mit den Minerallösungen DL 1 und DL 2 stehen zwei unterschiedliche Lösungen aus dem Hause SYR zur Verfügung.
Die Minerallösungen verhindern eine Korrosions- und Kalksteinbildung, heben den ph-Wert des Wassers an oder werden z.B. nach einer Enthärtungsanlage oder zur Härtestabilisierung des Wassers bei Kupfer- bzw. verzinkten Rohrleitungen sowie auch Mischinstallationen eingesetzt. Die Dosieranlage erfüllt die Anforderungen nach DIN 19635.
Hier bieten wir Ihnen die Variante DL 1 an.
Die mineralischen Dosierlösungen DL 1 und DL 2 sind zugelassene Trinkwasser-Zusatzstoffe und entsprechen den Anforderungen des Lebensmittelgesetzes, der Zusatzstoffverordnung und der Trinkwasser-Verordnung. Diese enthalten Phosphate und Silikat-Kombinationen, die zum Schutz von Trinkwasser-Systemen konzipiert sind. Die speziellen Phosphate verhindern Korrosion und Rostwasserbildung und stabilisieren die Wasserhärte. Phosphat ist ein essentieller Mineralstoff für den menschlichen Körper und kommt natürlich in vielen Lebensmitteln vor. Das in den Lösungen eingesetzte Phosphat entspricht den strengen Vorgaben der DIN/EN und ist hochrein. Der Tagesbedarf eines Erwachsenen liegt bei 700 mg Phosphat. Durchschnittlich nimmt man mit Milchprodukten 1.092 g und mit Fleisch und Wurst ca. 1.068 g Phosphat pro Tag zu sich. Zum Vergleich: Wird dem Trinkwasser mittels einer Dosierung Phosphat zugesetzt, werden nur 4 mg täglich aufgenommen.
Welche Dosiermittelösung ist die richtige für mich?
DL1 (Härtestabilisierung + Korrosionsschutz ) wird bei Härtegraden > 14 °dH ohne Enthärtungsanlage eingesetzt
DL2 (Korrosionsschutz) wird bei Härtegraden < 14 °dH mit Enthärtungsanlage eingesetzt
Inoculation piece & connection set for dosing pump SYR NeoDos 3100 Connect (Stand -Alone) from the German manufacturer SYR. The component is only needed if you want to use the dosing pump without the SYR water softeners.
With the SYR dosing pump NeoDos 3200 Connect, mineral solutions are added to the drinking water. The mineral solutions prevent corrosion and limescale formation, raise the ph-value of the water or are used e.g. after a softening system or to stabilize the hardness of the water in copper or galvanized pipelines as well as mixed installations. The dosing system meets the requirements of DIN 19635.
The NeoDos Connect dosing pump detects the flowing water volume by means of a water meter and thus determines the addition of minerals from the dosing tanks, which are pumped into the pipe via the dosing hose.
Optional dosing solutions can also be found in our store.
Important information for ordering
For use without a water softener (stand alone), the "Inoculation piece incl. connection set" must be ordered in the correct nominal width DN 20-DN 32:
DN 20
DN 25
DN 32
Alternatively, when operating with a water softener (LEX Plus 10 Connect series and Neosoft), you need the Lex Plus / Neosoft connection set (3100.00.011). More information can be found in the operating instructions, which can be found at the article under Downloads.